Us presentem el logotip guanyador per representar el projecte Erasmus+ d’intercanvi escolar en el que el nostre centre està participant juntament amb instituts italians, eslovacs i turcs. Els seus creadors, en Miquel Durán, en Marçel Barrera, en Muhamad Ali i l’Arnau Canet, ens expliquen el seu significat:
“We were tasked to do a logo for the Erasmus project named: “Breaking boundaries with culture” So we thought about what is usually used to break through walls (or in this case boundaries) and also used examples from logos from some movements in the world and we realized a fist breaking a wall was a good example as the fist is a part of a person, so it’s a person breaking the wall. Afterwards, we added other elements such as the flags and the countries and the Title of the project.”